Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tale of a happy Primadonna

I've just realised my posts are really small and I for one,hate blogs with posts that are really small in size,I mean the font size.Mine is just the same and I'm not trying to compromise or play double-standards here.To put it in a simple and sweet way,my explanation is this:-I'm too lazy to open the template and edit the codes.Plus,it gives me a major headache when I'm trying to edit the template.Seriously.I ain't no computer supergenius..Thus,I find it a real pain to edit all these things.Yeeesh.

So to all of my readers,please bear with me,kay?Thanks

Lol.I'm so bored...Hahhaa...Now I'm being to become crazy.The boredom-turn-Psychopath Syndrome has started.Owhh man....Lemme show you the effects.This is what happens when this thing takes over:

1-I go to Facebook or sometimes Friendster and go to a few of my friend's profiles and post really weird posts lilke"Happy Birthday" or some sort.Each comment or testimonial differs each time I face this problem
2-Umm...let's not go to that subject,kay? Just hope you're not one of the

Okay..To start my story for the day.
I'll post 5 facts of myself and 5 posts why I'm proud that I'm a Primadonna and 5 posts why I just L.O.V.E F.T Island and another 5 posts why I love my QT Pie,Minhwan and 5 facts things you shouldn't do to me,

Now.The "blogger" trivia begins.
1-I can umm...hahahah..annoy a person to death.(Not really a fact you'd
wanna know)
2-Spamming someone's c-box is my best.The one reason why I didn't result
MSN Messenger is 'cos I find it friggin annoying itself.I also spam
people's Facebook and Friendster.Weird thing is, I only pick on SCP.I
only realised it now.hAHa.Well,maybe not only HER.I think I did it to
Vee too.Sorrry guys..I don't know why I pick on you guys..No hard
feelings eh? :) I'll find my new victim soon.Or hope I get thoroughly
bored out of my socks of spamming or maybe get too busy to spam.Lol.
3-I get annoyed easily.Ironically.Haha.
4-I always suck at my first term.Mid Term's best. :D
5-If I don't study,I can manage to get all Bs(Ha!) and 3As.Lol.

Oh goshh..I gotta go now...I'll continue this post again soon.

A happy Primadonna

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