Friday, March 13, 2009

Nobody's Child part 1

(from left) Jan and her umm..friend from uTAR..(diff fren..UNLIKE the one mentioned below!)

My cousin,Janice Saw,has just passed away yesterday morning at 8 a.m. as the result of a very serious car accident.Her so-called "friend" was responsible for her death AND her boyfriend's death.Sad thing is,she just celebrated her 20th birthday on March 5th..Realll emo right now...just like (Teng Foong! piggie :)
Thus,let me,Rachel,report on:
In Loving Memory of Jan.PART 1

Jan,Lup Mun(Justin[gav him dat name..but nvr got the chance to tell him

:(]) and their "friend" and his girlfriend were out driving in Tapah(so it seems) at 2 am..a regular thing for hyper-active kids(tsk tsk)..and...

their 'friend' or to make it easier -M(for MURDERER!) got into a fight with his girlfriend(GENIUS..[very sarcastically] ==").And M has a useless tendency to swing and spin HIS car like a 'gasing' and cut lines and you know..the stuff(I don't know 'cos I'm a real sweet angel and I never break the laww..(the heavens open and a bright light shines down.thechoir starts singing.."hallelujah!") :D )Yeah..and so he did it.Then,BOOM! THE CAR HITS AND BANGS AND CRASHES AND (i'm out of add.).INTO A TRAILER..(EVEN MORE GENIUS..WHO'S THE KAYPOH NOWah??!!..YEESH..BODOH BETUL!) ...DANG,DANG,DANG,DANG!

The result? Sure? Okay..Jan and Lup Mun(Justin) got SERIOUS injuries and got sent to Tapah Hosp.THEN,doctors checked Lup Mun and found that his heart was beating BUT he was already BRAIN DEAD.Unfortunately,doctors gave up on Jan 'cos her ribs were already CRUSHED AND SMASHED and the scan showed that her internal organs were all SMASHED AND DESTROYED and (need I go further?)She told Lup Mun's mom that her chest was pain,too.Then,she got into a COMA and sent to some Ipoh Hosp.

IRONICALLY,M AND HIS GIRLFRIEND,WASN'T INJURED AND ONLY RECEIVED OUTPATIENT TREATMENT..ARRGGGHHH!!! I need a hugg..sob sob sob..IDIOTS! SCREW YOU! (oops..the ugly side of me and my MR Hyde and Doctor Jekyll has been revealed) T.T
And,Jan never woke up.Goodbye Janice..I love you.

Ohh and my other cousin(second oldest on my dad's side),just received her SPM results.Did well-8A1s and 2A2s..told my mom,"I was so happy for my results.Was so excited to show Jan.Now I can't show her.I wanted her to be happy for me.I wanted her to congratulate me.But now,she's gone.CNY will never be the same anymore.."

(p.s-After Jan left us,Lup Mun died a few minutes later)(Lup Mun's her boyfriend..forgot to tell you that..whoa..Jan died with her boyfriend..not exactly's heartbreaking!And during the funeral they made Jan and Justin get married(some Chinese illogical rite..forgive me if ure offended but I don't believe in this type of stuff.I mean she's..they're already gone..)(Anyway,Jan and Justin are going to be or already cremated and put together..for the last time..)
Rest in peace,Jan.Everything's over now,all your sorrows,all your worries,everything.Hopefully,you're in heaven.. :)
signing off,

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