Saturday, March 13, 2010
Teaching my cousin Vocab ;)
Ahoy there me hearties! ;)
So yeah I'm supposed to like,teach my cousin bro 3 English vocab words a day while he's visiting. You know, cousin-ly responsibilities XD Hahahahas.
So like, I didn't know where to start THEREFORE I asked him to find and look around to see if there're words he doesn't know and to write them down. Then I'd tell him the meaning and how to use those words in situations and sentences.
The first words was REDIRECTING when he saw Internet Explorer redirecting us to Facebook to play Pet Society. NOT ME. Him ;) So he couldn't like pronounce it properly. He was like "Re-ri-rec-ting." Damn cute. And I was like "Noooo Samm, it's RE-DI-REC-TING.( Screw them syllables XP ) And he repeated RERIRECTING. So I was like : Gah. Now follow me. REE-DYEEE-REEEECCCT-TING.
Hahahahas. Took him a couple of times to get it right. When I asked him to repeat it,he was like "aiya. rerirecting." He got it right but when I asked him to repeat it, he got it wrong. Again. Oh well. Little kids,eh? ;) Darn cute :)) HE ATE ALL THE RAISIN BUNS! :O lols. oh weeelll.. I''ll be bARCK! ;D
So yeah I'm supposed to like,teach my cousin bro 3 English vocab words a day while he's visiting. You know, cousin-ly responsibilities XD Hahahahas.
So like, I didn't know where to start THEREFORE I asked him to find and look around to see if there're words he doesn't know and to write them down. Then I'd tell him the meaning and how to use those words in situations and sentences.
The first words was REDIRECTING when he saw Internet Explorer redirecting us to Facebook to play Pet Society. NOT ME. Him ;) So he couldn't like pronounce it properly. He was like "Re-ri-rec-ting." Damn cute. And I was like "Noooo Samm, it's RE-DI-REC-TING.( Screw them syllables XP ) And he repeated RERIRECTING. So I was like : Gah. Now follow me. REE-DYEEE-REEEECCCT-TING.
Hahahahas. Took him a couple of times to get it right. When I asked him to repeat it,he was like "aiya. rerirecting." He got it right but when I asked him to repeat it, he got it wrong. Again. Oh well. Little kids,eh? ;) Darn cute :)) HE ATE ALL THE RAISIN BUNS! :O lols. oh weeelll.. I''ll be bARCK! ;D
Monday, March 8, 2010
Weeell,hello me hunnies :)
Greetings from the *dot dot dot dot* planet! :D
I'm suddenly OBSESSED with them Pyzam graphics. ;) They're awesome.
"We may not click,dear,but I've tried and made an effort.We're not the same so maybe it's just that I dare to be different."
(I absolutely LOVE this :D )
Hhaha. I'm not the kind of girl who shouts: "Hey! Don't come in! I'm indecent!" *Paints last fingernail* "Done. Come in now.*wink wink*". PFT. So not me. I DO paint my nail but I aint so manja. It doesnt spell r.a.c.h.e.l. You dig? ;) Kinda random but the everyone's random. It's DIFFERENT AND SPONTANEOUS.
Here's sumthin dedicated to the peepal I miss A LOT ;)
This is so darn accurate :D
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Hello world!
Greetings from the Rachel Planet ;)
I'm gonna do a real short one since I've already posted at least 3 posts. Here's some graphics that make sense :D
Sometimes in our lives, we need pictures. Otherwise,it's gonna be BORING,no? :)

I'm gonna do a real short one since I've already posted at least 3 posts. Here's some graphics that make sense :D
Sometimes in our lives, we need pictures. Otherwise,it's gonna be BORING,no? :)
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Comments from
Rach ;)
Hellooo :D It's just so sad y'know. I mean,death captures everyone at one time or another.No one can escape it. It's usually the worst to the people/friends/relatives especially when someone dies. I just want to :
It's so sad. I mean,when one dies,let's say you emailed the person like one month earlier and HE/SHE DIDNT REPLY YOU and you're like waiting for the reply and one day, BOOM! He's GONE. And the disturbing thought is that you've lost the person completely until one day you go to the same place the person ends up and that you'll never receive the reply ever again.Even if you wait your whole life and die yourself. Never again will you hear their laughter and one of the most depressing thought especially to grievers and mourners is that eventually,you'll forget their voice and slowly you forget their birthday until Facebook comes up rajinly and reminds you. The worst part of death is that YOU NEVER GET TO SAY YOUR LAST GOODBYE OR KISS YOU LAST KISS OR GIVE YOUR LAST BIG BEAR HUG even if you're not close. Then once the person's gone,regrets come swarming in.
Rest In Peace,Mr ganesh :'( You'll always be remembered,don't worry. :))
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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