Updates,updates my friend :) (thats what i think jeanne says most of the time...to me.) OH well. Darn I miss her :(
Hmm so lets see what I did last weekkie! :D
Okay okay. On sunday,I thought Teng Foong how to use Gmail chat. Unsuccessfully. OH WELL. Darn i miss abby and teng :'(
Shoot. Okay so I thought him how to invite me on Gmail chat.cos well I did invite him before,it's just that umm..he was always offline,even when he WAS ONLINE. ==" somehow, MACs arent so easy to use.Though it looks ULTRA AWESOME ;)
Neways,back to my lil friend. So yeah. Taught him how to invite me by typing in my gmail into the white little box. And he did :)
But then..
He invited me to join Gmail instead. Gahh..The things I do just to talk to him -_-" do NOT misunderstand this. 'Cos phone bills will skyrocket upp up and away if i keep sms-ing him. Thus, I turned to the techonolgy of the decade!! Muahahahaha..And it's free too.
But OH WELL. We had to email each other.
EVEN THOUGH, we're both online. Yeah,lame AND pathetic.
But hey,it's the MAC'S fault. And teng's a lil blur and not so tech savvy so yeah. PATIENCE AND COMPROMISE MY FRIEND! ;)
Then I talked to Wilson cos teng gotta go off. He hasnt finished his homework. Muahahaha..
He can't copy from my ex bks anymore so he gotta do it himself. OH WELL. XDD
Yeah so I was talking to Wilson about how he grew (he's taller than teng now. But oh well.Why am I saying this anyway? Ive not seen him and those who see him everyday KNOW that he IS taller now.)( Thus,he is taller than me. Bollocks. But of course, our lil teng won't accept the fact that he's shorter now. Someday he shall learn. Like me,for instance. I HAVE LEARNT TO ACCEPT THE FACT THAT IM SHORTER NOW THAT EVERYONE'S TALLER == AND JUST HOPE TO GROW! )
Nothing much really. My life has been getting BORING-ER AND BORING-ER ever since I was stripped away from VOLLEYBALL. OH THE AGONY. And normal friends. I am now surrounded by people Im not used to. So not my type. And I am constantly freaked out by weirdos. Plus, I am in the midst of lifeless zombies who dont study when they need to. 'Cept for a few people of course. WHAT THE HECK. I MISS WMS. Like MAD.mad i tell you,mad.
But hey,i'd be MADDER if I actly went back to WMS. and take friggin PMR.
So hey, I'm not mad. Im nuts. HIGH ON NUTS ;)
So far Ive not met any retard-nice retards. Dammit.
Im sincerely desperate. And lonely
Darn it
And Im so not the TVB type.
-Rach Phineas Flynn-
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
TheLove <3 :DD

Aww...Abbieee! to Abby Yew.Dang I love you :)) LOL See??? Just one post dedicated to my one and only fellow retard! :D This little friend has started it all and somehow infected me with her lameness but oh well. XD
Two lil girls who became each other's first friend as in totally don't know each other became best of retards ;)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Yellow! :D So I changed my blog layout thus,the words got smaller and I personally HATE small words..so ImgonnamakethemBIG! :0) Just testing things out.LOL and about the previous post,I added two pictures which were supposed to MOVE! == some gif format.and they said they supported gif formats. pft. Neways,hope I can figure a way how to make em move. gah.so annoying.lol. So..TTFN! :)
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